Weather Ledge
Prestige Stone
Our Weatherledge series is an attractive interweaving of stone that will make your next venture stand out. Eye-catchingly honed, its style is not as rugged and complex. Its character is seen by smoother edges and rectangular pieces that draw you in to its allure.
Stone size: 1½"-6" x 4"-23"
Product Details
Family: Ledgestones
Flats - Per Box: 13.5 square feet Per Skid: 270 square feet
Corners - Per Box: 8 linear feet Per Skid: 128 linear feet
Flats - Boxes Per Skid: 20
Corners - Boxes Per Skid: 16
How do I figure square foot and linear foot?
Inventory is changing daily. To find out current stock status of an item, please call 618-282-6722 and talk with a customer service specialist.
$90.64 – $1,903.50
Color Variations
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